Monday, January 27, 2014

Missions are the BEST!

This week has been super fun!  Sister Harrison and I have been working super hard.  But we had a crazy experience!  We came home and the lights were on in our apartment but we knew for sure that we turned them off.  So we were legitimately freaked out.  So we felt like we shouldn't go in so we waited for the other sisters to come home so we could go in together.  But then we went to open the door and the doorknob turned all the way and we know we locked it! So we freaked out and didn't go in and called our zone leaders and they came over and saved the day.  They were just finishing an exchange so they had another companionship with them and so the 4 of them came and cleared our apartment.  When they opened the door one of them yelled "Yo, there's 15 of us!"  Super funny.  They cleared all the rooms with knives and a chair shield.  It was freaky.  Nobody was in there and we discovered our doorknob doesn't actually lock so the knob always turns but the dead bolt was still locked.  Super scary but the elders said a blessing on the house so we are all good.  The next day Sister Harrison and I went through some sweet action plans in case anybody was ever in our apartment or for other dangerous situations.  The elders gave us some good advice…they told us to not be the slower companion.
This morning we were playing crazy ball for morning sports.  The other team was kicking and I thought I was funny and grabbed a ball that was on the floor and threw it at people while they ran.  I totally hit one of our zone leaders in the face. I felt so bad!
Thanks for all the letters everybody!  You guys are the best!  Love you! Bye!
Sister Coltrin

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Okay, so the real story is that I left my computer to email President, so Elder Gunnell wrote that email home for me... hahahaha. But I'll update you with the rest of the week:

So, what Elder Gunnell wrote is true - the Elders really did have to go check our apartment with knives. It was ridiculous but scary.
On Monday we went to the Henness' house for FHE and dinner. They are awesome!
Tuesday morning we had a lesson with Denia, our new investigator. We spent the whole lesson just answering her questions that she wrote down from church. She is so smart and is really prepared. After that, Sister Harrison and I did some training during district meeting on our member maps program.  The zone leader's were on exchanges, so one of the AP's was there... talk about intimidating. That night we went to the Woodward's for dinner and Brother Woodward committed me to write in my journal every night, since I stopped a while ago. It was really funny, he told me he was going to follow up with me.
On Wednesday we had cleaning checks (passed with flying colors, obviously). And we also had dinner at the Lee's. I love the Lee's.
On Thursday we got to take Denia to the temple to do a Plan of Salvation temple tour! It was really windy and cold (well, like 50...) but it was really spiritual and she totally understood everything. We committed her to baptism on March 22 and she was so excited! She is already telling everyone about it!
For dinner that night we were supposed to go to the Tingey's house - but there are 2 Tingey's in our ward... so we texted both of them, and the one that was supposed to feed us took a last minute trip to England... so we got to eat with the others. It was pretty funny, but they told us they wanted us to come! They served missions in Scotland! At the end, Sister Tingey told us about how she wants us to teach her son's friend because she thinks we would be the perfect missionaries for it! It was really nice.
Friday we had weekly planning... with a little bit of real life Fruit Ninja during lunch. Hey, we had a lot of extra apples, and we had about a billion knives... what were we supposed to do!?  Our ZL's said that they had about 3 spoons and 2 knives, so we went through our kitchen stuff and gave them some of our dishes and things that they needed (I guess that makes up for accidentally hitting one of them in the face with the kick ball this morning...). We went on exchanges that night, so I got to go with Sister Lake to Green Valley for the day.
Exchanges were AWESOME. It was a crazy awesome and inspired day. We had lessons every hour with some incredible people. And we got to make cupcakes with a member and bring them to investigators. We had a really awesome first lesson with a man named Don, and we street contacted some people that let us come in right away. We had a great day. Sister Lake is going home this transfer - she is such an awesome missionary! I will miss her.
Sunday was awesome too. Denia was at church with us and just loved it. She kept telling people that "these angels found me”.  At one point I yawned during church and she turned and said, "Oh! You girls ARE real people! It must be hard to fit your angel wings in real people clothes!" She is so sweet. We are having dinner with her and some members tonight!!
That's about it! Sister Cummings (my other half) had to leave today to go home for surgery :(  But, she'll be back in Vegas soon enough! I miss her already. (I know you're reading this Sister... shout out to you!) So, for the time being, I'm back in a trio! No worries though, since I'm a pro at being in a trio by now!

Have a good week!  Love you all!

Love, Sister Coltrin (with help from Elder Gunnell...)
"Well, we are certainly prepared for when actual intruders come."

Real life Fruit Ninja

Sister Coltrin and Sister Cummings
Get well soon, Sister Cummings!!

Sister Lake and Sister Coltrin on exchanges

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