Wednesday, July 31, 2013

This New Transfer Is So Awesome Already!

This new transfer is so awesome already...

Okay, I'm going to rewind to the beginning of the week which was last transfer. So, Sister Sneidere, Sister Cummings and I were still companions. On Tuesday morning we got a call from one of Sister Cumming’s investigators that hasn't called in over 3 weeks. On our way to his apartment, we were talking to some guy at the mail boxes. All of a sudden a lady ran around the corner in a panic and said, "Are you girls from a church!? I need your help! Come, come pray with me." We were like, uh you BET we'll come pray with you. She was talking so, sooo fast and half in Spanish, so it was really hard to understand her. We instantly knew that she needed a blessing. So while she was telling me her crazy story Sister Cummings and Sister Sneidere went and called the Spanish Elders in that area. What I got from her story?  She lives with 3 drug addicts and her roommates/friends were high and did a bunch of satanic, scary stuff in her house. They drew weird signs all over the walls and floor and furniture. The house was so messed up. I'm pretty sure she was involved too, but I'm not positive. Basically she was panicking because she was getting evicted on top of being scared about all the satanic stuff. The Elders listened to her story and gave her a blessing. Her sister was there too, and she was normal and told us that her sister is crazy. So, we helped her move all of her stuff out of her house- beds, dressers, couches and all. We put it all in a member’s truck and unloaded it at u-haul. It took three trips and three storage units, And FIVE HOURS. In skirts and suits. So yeah people, missionaries are awesome. She was really thankful and she came to church. Crazy experience. 

Well, that 5 hour street contact made us late in dropping Sister Sneidere off at the mission office for departing missionary stuff. It was okay though. I told President and Sister Neider that I was really sorry for getting her there so late (literally hours late...) and we told them what happened. They were so happy about it! They told us they were proud that we stuck it out and helped. Later, Sister Neider was walking past us and she said, "Sisters, I am just so proud of you!" It was pretty awesome. 

The rest of Tuesday and most of Wednesday, Sister Cummings and I were companions! It was really fun to be with her since we were in the same MTC district. Later on Wednesday we went back to the mission office to pick up our companions, and that is when I met my new companion, Sister Fields! She is from Oregon and has been out for 5 months. She has been serving in Lake Havasu. We are both loud and talk a lot, so we get along great and we have a lot of fun together. She has such a strong testimony.  I love her. 

We went to Institute on Wednesday night, like always. We got a few of our less actives to come and all our investigators, so that was awesome. 

Thursday was really awesome though. In the morning we got to go and explore Everyone in the whole world should visit that website because it is awesome. Sister Fields and my goal this transfer is to get to know so that we will be the first sisters in our mission that get iPads. We also street contacted in the morning and then decided to go and visit some less actives. There is a girl that has been on our list to visit for a while, but we felt really strongly that we should visit her that day. We drove all the way out to her house, which is basically at the end of our area. We knocked on the door and her Dad seemed really excited to see us, he was more than happy to welcome us in. He called Des out to talk to us. We told her that we were trying to visit every member in our ward, and that we didn't know who she was so we wanted to stop by and meet her. She seemed happy that we were there- that someone actually cared enough to drive out to see her. She was instantly connected to us. She opened up to us and we were able to help her and bring the Spirit into her life again. It was amazing and so spiritual. She has had a really rough past and was really hurting from that. We talked to her and we were able to help her to recognize how her Heavenly Father could help her get rid of her past. She was crying and we could tell that she really just wanted peace and comfort. We invited her to go to a stake YSA activity that was on Friday and to church on Sunday. She said she would go, but that she wanted to go buy some modest clothing first (which she did). She asked if she could have a copy of The Book of Mormon because she had lost hers. When Sister Fields and I walked out the door, we calmly fist bumped, and then ran to the car so that we could scream because we were so happy. She went to the activity AND to church. We came over the next day too and she was really happy when we got there. We talked to her more and she prayed for the first time in a long time! Not only that, but she stopped us from leaving so that she could hug us :) 

Friday was cool, but I don't remember anything that really stuck out.  Sister Fields and I had a really awesome conversation about the Plan of Salvation and about our lives. 

Saturday was long. We helped serve at the Pioneer-day breakfast, which was a lot of fun. All the missionaries in our zone were there, so that made it even more fun.  Then Sister Fields and I rushed to the stake center to get ready for Shelby's baptism. We started to fill the font and set up chairs- and then we got a phone call from the East Sisters. Shelby's dad got mad at her and started telling her a whole bunch of anti-mormon stuff. She was upset and thought that she had rushed into it too fast (uhhhhh, she has been investigating since she was in 9th grade and she is 21 now... that's not very fast). So she wants to wait and look around in other churches. We were really sad for her. Hopefully she remembers the spirit that she has felt when she goes to church. 

But, on the other hand, KARL got baptized on Saturday night! He had asked me to speak at his baptism, so I spoke on the Holy Ghost. It was an amazing experience. He was so ready to be baptized and you could tell that he was so, so happy. Guess what else! He wants to serve a mission! He talks about it a lot and tells us that he is saving up money to go. He is awesome! 

On Sunday we got a really weird text from Cristal saying that she couldn't study with us anymore or come to church. We obviously called her right away... she said that she was struggling with some things and didn't feel worthy enough to come to church. We reminded her about repentance and told her that church would be the best place for her if she is feeling down! She came but left during sacrament meeting. Des came to church though and so did our investigators. That was really great. 

We went into the Priesthood class and explained that we need people to sign up to go to lessons with us (lots do but we just felt like we should announce it). We got sooo many people that signed up to help. 

That night Cristal wanted to meet with us, so we went to the church to talk to her and one of our members came with us. It was a really awesome lesson. We talked to her about thinking positively and about getting rid of our negative thoughts. We are going to go to her house and help clean her room and put up of pictures of Christ and the temple, so that she has a little oasis to go to when the environment in her house is bad. Cristal needs prayers. 

Adrian and Eder are getting baptized this coming Sunday! Ah! Finally! We are so beyond excited about it. 

This morning we hiked Sunrise Mountain again. We woke up at 3:30 a.m. It was the Spanish districts turn to go hiking, but our zone leaders told Sister Fields and I that we could go with them. So we did, and it was really fun. We went up a lot faster this time and we went to a higher peak of the mountain to watch the sunrise. It was awesome! We could see the whole valley, the strip, and the Temple. We had a lot of fun. 

Today, Sister Fields and I are planning on sleeping as much as possible. Then we have Family Home Evening with our ward, and hopefully we will get some of our investigators and less actives there. 

Pray that we find a bunch of new people this week. We are working really hard. We set high goals for this transfer. 

I hope you all have a good week! I love you and miss you!

Love, Sister Coltrin

Sister Coltrin, Karl, Sister Fields
(and no we did not match on purpose)

Elder Howe, Elder Konshuk, Danny, Karl, Karl's mom. Sister Coltrin, Sister Fields

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